Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Thursday - May 24, 2012

national health service celebrates its transgender staff ….. why?

This is really tiresome.
How come and why isn’t there a special day to celebrate straight folks? Huh?
Where’s our parade? Where’s our flag?  Can we have a national straight week?
Why are the odd couples and transgender bending communities, of which there are not that many out of the entire population, why are they celebrated out of all proportion to their numbers?  I guess cos they are very well organized and have some serious bucks in the kitty.

OK, so anyway the times are tuff and money is tight, and the hospital trusts here are being squeezed claim some, even though the counter claim is that the hosp. trusts aren’t subject to the cuts.  But not long ago in our local, some wards were closed in an effort to save money.

It’s all about money and the govt. needing to make cuts where feasible and lets face it, there’s always a lot of duplication and jobs that are not critical, so the belts are being tightened. You would believe. Oh yeah?  Think so?
Well, apparently there is always money for some things and especially for special people.  Take a look.

NHS launches ‘diversity week’ with transgender art

The NHS has funded a “human rights week” with dozens of events including a photographic exhibition to celebrate transgender staff.

By Laura Donnelly, Health Correspondent

Hundreds of managers and front line workers are due to attend conferences and workshops on equality and diversity this week.
Patients’ groups criticised the spending at a time when services and jobs were under threat, as the NHS attempts to make £20 billion in efficiency savings.
The events include two all-day conferences involving at least 170 health care managers.

In addition, NHS Rotherham will host a week-long exhibition of “inspiring images” which promises to “celebrate the lives of transgender staff and patients”.
And NHS North West is promoting an “awareness raising timeline” to commemorate homosexual and transgender doctors and nurses.

Katherine Murphy, chief executive of the Patients Association, said the health service was being hit hard by the demand for efficiency savings and could not afford an expensive week of events.
Funding should only be authorised when it could be shown that it would improve care for patients, she said.

“Ensuring equality and diversity needs to be one of the fundamental elements of the way an NHS trust operates. It shouldn’t need a costly and distracting week of events and conferences to ensure that this message is communicated effectively.”
At least 170 NHS managers working in human resources and leading programmes in equality and diversity are due to attend full-day conferences in London and Manchester. The fee of £199 per place – more than £30,000 in total – is expected to be paid by the NHS trusts which employ them.

The events will feature speakers from the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the homosexual rights group Stonewall. Additional costs will be covered by sponsors including trade unions and training organisations.
The timeline created by NHS North West highlights “achievements of people from the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community, and particularly those who have contributed to health care”, from ancient Greece to the present day.

They include James Barry, a British Army surgeon who lived as a man but was found to be female upon death in 1865, and Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a 19th-century German “sexologist” said to be the first to speak publicly in defence of homosexuality.
NHS Employers, the body organising the first “NHS Equality, Diversity and Human Rights Week”, defended its decision to go ahead with the plans at a time of austerity, but was unable to say how much the week’s events will cost.

Dean Royles, director of the organisation, said: “I’m really proud that equality and diversity is something that employers take very seriously. NHS staff want to work in an environment that is fair, and diverse.
“And patients want to be treated without fear of discrimination because of their sexuality, gender, race or religion. NHS organisations recognise that there are large personal and cost implications for not getting this right.”

The organisation said individual NHS bodies across the country had taken their own decisions on how much to spend on their events.
The photography collection going on display in Rotherham this week has been touring NHS organisations since last June, after being funded by the Department of Health under the last Government.
The timeline, with an accompanying exhibition, was commissioned last year by NHS North West’s “equality and diversity team”.
Since the Coalition came to power in 2010 the NHS has been protected from budget cuts affecting most other Whitehall departments, and has been given rises just above inflation.

However, rising pressures from the costs of treating an ageing population mean services have been ordered to make £20 billion of “efficiency savings” by 2015 so extra funds can be released to the front line.

In November, Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, said the leaders of the health service had a responsibility to taxpayers “to make sure that every pound of NHS money is spent as effectively as possible to deliver the best possible care”.
The Government has said clinical jobs should not be cut, but last week the Royal College of Nursing claimed more than 5,700 nurses posts had been lost since April 2010.
Ministers said they did not recognise the figures, and that the total number working for the NHS had fallen by 450.

Last year, an NHS hospital was at the centre of a gaffe when a job advertisement for a senior doctor carried the phrase “usual rubbish about equal opportunities”.

The advertisement, on a health service website, sought an anaesthetist to fill a one-year post at the Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University NHS Trust, Merseyside.

Following a complaint, the trust launched an investigation and the wording was replaced with “We are committed to promoting equality and diversity”.

source, telegraph


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/24/2012 at 12:46 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - May 23, 2012

Transgendered? Not likely.

Yesterday Mona Charen wrote an article titled Is Your 5-Year-Old Transgendered?

First, let me state that I think this whole sexual identity thing is way out of control. We already have GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered). Now it’s being applied to 5-year-olds?

A 5-year-old child with large dark eyes, full lips and a button nose stares out from the front page of the Washington Post Sunday edition. “Transgender at Five” declares the provocative headline. The child’s hair is being cut in a close boy’s cut by her father.

We learn from the article that “Tyler,” who was born “Kathryn,” began insisting that she was a boy at the age of 2. “‘I am a boy’ became a constant theme in struggles over clothing, bathing, swimming, eating, playing, breathing.”

This I do NOT believe. I do not have any memories of when I was 2-years-old. How many of you BMEWS members do? My earliest memories start at about 3.5 years. Even those are fragmentary. I certainly wasn’t worried about my sexual identity. I was worried about the new kid in town: my baby sister. I wasn’t getting the attention I was accustomed to. Ended up with my first chore: Mom showed me how to hold my sister and bottle feed her. (Sad, but true, we were all bottle babies.) My second chore came shortly after I turned four: how to change a diaper. This was back before Pampers/disposable diapers. Cloth diapers that I then had to take to the toilet and dip up and down until most of the crap (literally) was off, then into the diaper hamper. A skill set that was even more useful (to Mom) later that year when my second sister magically appeared.

The child’s parents, at first uneasy and later accepting of their girl’s desire to be a boy, agreed to raise her as a boy. Starting at age 4, she began to wear boys’ clothes, was permitted to choose a boy’s name for herself, and has been introduced to family, friends, teachers, and congregants at church as a boy.

Now that’s not parenting. That’s child abuse. What’s gonna happen when she hits puberty and starts…developing? Not just physically, but starts noticing boys are different, and she’s interested in the difference? That sounds like a major social and emotional crisis in the making. I remember my sisters going through a ‘tomboy’ phase, but they outgrew it about the time they joined the Camp Fire Girls. Our parents didn’t cater to such nonsense.

“Parents who ignore or deny these problems,” warns the Post, “can make life miserable for their kids, who can become depressed or suicidal, psychiatrists say.” How many psychiatrists? The very most that can be said is that the practice of treating children for what is sometimes called “gender identity disorder” is highly controversial in the psychiatric world. Some psychiatrists want to change the name to “gender incongruence” to remove the word “disorder.” Others, such as Dr. Paul McHugh, professor of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins University, think the whole idea of treating children for this condition is unwise. “We shouldn’t be mucking around with nature,” he told Fox News. “We can’t assume what the outcome will be.”

I can assume the outcome. There are three, and only three, choices. You are either male down to each and every cell of your body (possessing XY chromosomes), or you are female in each and every cell of your body (possessing two XX chromosomes). In rare cases, you might be a hermaphrodite, possessing the physical sexual characteristics of both male and female (from my limited research, this means hermaphrodites have something like XXY or XXYYY chromosomes. In other words, an extra Y chromosome.) This is the only case of ‘transgenderism’ I personally would recognize. A true hermaphrodite.

Apparently, hormone blockers are being prescribed more and more for children with “GID.” The hormones postpone puberty indefinitely and, the Post explains, “give the kids more time to decide who they are and whether switching genders is the answer to their problems.” McHugh calls giving hormone blockers to children “child abuse.” Some young people are having “gender reassignment” surgery as young as age 16.

Hormone blockers? First, who’s paying for this ‘elective’ treatment? Second, if you stop, what happens? Well, ‘Michelle’ is going to revert to his XY chromosomes and become Michael. Now Michael had a ‘whackadicktomy’ while he was ‘Michelle’. Can he now get an ‘addadicktomy?’ Do you really want to put your children through that? Even if Michael manages to afford surgeries and hormone treatments to stay ‘Michelle’ for the rest of its life, do you think ‘Michelle’ will ever conceive a child? NO! No uterus, no Fallopian tubes, no eggs. I guess ‘Michelle’ will have one-up on real women: no monthly menstruation, no PMS.

Perhaps some tiny percentage of children truly is born feeling trapped in the body of a person of the wrong sex. But it is undeniable that the vast majority of children go through stages. I recall wishing to be a boy myself when I was about 5 or 6. I didn’t like frilly dresses and asked my playmates to call me “Timmy.” Perhaps mine was a normal tomboy phase and maybe that’s distinguishable from what Tyler is experiencing. But how can we be sure? The Post quotes Dr. Edgardo Menvielle, of Washington’s Children Hospital, who has been treating “transgender kids” for a decade. About 80 percent, he says, switch back to the gender they were born into by the time they reach adulthood.

See, it’s just a phase. But the worst part is: parents who do this are letting the patients run the asylum:

The problem with the Post’s recommended approach—which amounts to “let’s accept a child’s version of reality to avoid causing depression or worse” (emphasis added)—is that the decision of parents to indulge a child’s whim on gender identity is itself irreversible. The effects of hormone blockers, the Post reassures readers, are fully reversible. Maybe. How much research can there have been on such a new practice? Would parents who hesitate to let their kids eat preservatives or nonorganic eggs consent to block the complex hormones that begin to flood kids’ bodies at puberty? In any case, the decision to dress a girl in boys’ clothing, cut her hair, and call her a boy—even if reversed later—must, absolutely must, scramble a child’s psyche. Imagine the confrontation between a teenaged girl who has changed her mind and the parents who raised her as a boy. “Did you not think I was pretty enough to be a girl? Wasn’t I feminine enough?” Or perhaps even more damaging, a teenaged boy demanding to know whether his father thought him lacking in masculinity as a child. It’s a psychological minefield.

We have the technology to make—or at least appear to make—women into men and vice versa. If adults choose to do this to themselves (and can afford it), that’s their business. But a child? One wonders: What other major life decisions should 4-year-olds be judged competent to make?

If 4-year-olds are that competent, maybe we should allow them to vote, have sex, sign contracts, work outside the home, (when I was four I ‘worked’. I had chores, usually helping fold the laundry and put it away, or dry the dishes. Didn’t have to put most of the dishes away because I couldn’t reach that high. Oh, most importantly, keep my toys picked up and my room clean.)


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 05/23/2012 at 03:33 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - February 22, 2012

it suggested now that cross dressing during “diversity week” may be offensive to some.

Woo-hoo. What’s this about?

Diversity Week?  The university has a Diversity Week?  Some parents no doubt proud and happy to pay the fees that will promote and build the future PC mobs who will themselves (many will) become teachers.  And so indoctrinate as they’ve been. 

I am deadly serious. Before I read this article. you wouldn’t have seen me dressed ‘in drag’ at a fancy dress party simply because I wouldn’t have felt ‘comfortable’ let’s say.But, because some beardy-sandal wearing,yoghurt knitting, boiled wooly jumpered. limp wristed ‘guild’ decide it’s wrong, I have a good mind to travel down to Exeter and join in the fun.
- Things ‘aint what they used to be, Birmingham, 22/2/2012 12:04

Apparently some students at a university celebrating “diversity week” are asked not to do the usual cross dress as fun thing, cos for a straight to do that is as offensive to transgenders as putting on black face it to negros.
Leave it to the libtard left to always be on the lookout for some bit of offense aimed at some group somewhere.
The article amused me because it’s so clearly stupid.  And most cringe worthy of all is the very idea of a diversity week.  And these are, I want you to know, the future brainwashed and conditioned leaders and MPs that will rule even more.  What a miserable thought. But true.

Male students at top university banned from dressing as girls on pub crawls ‘because it is as offensive as blacking-up’


Students at one of Britain’s top universities have been told not to ‘cross dress’ or ‘black up’ to avoid mocking other minority groups.

The Students’ Guild at Exeter University in Devon has issued a warning not to offend other undergraduates during its diversity week.

In a statement yesterday, the student body said: ‘The Guild is aware that there are several trans-identified students at Exeter and more who express their identity as gender-queer.

‘To parody this appearance is crass and offensive on the same level as ethnicity.’

The university’s diversity week runs from February 19 to 25 and is held to ‘celebrate diversity and our cultural differences’, according to the Guild.

It says Exeter has more than 4,000 international students from 130 countries.

The statement added: ‘While “blacking up” in various guises is not unlawful… by parodying an appearance you are taking on the public performance of a group of persons in a stereotypical or (sometimes) mocking way.

‘The Guild does not act in disciplinary fashion against members of the student body for performances of this nature.

‘But we do express disapproval of unthinking and insulting appearances against minority student groups in particular.

‘Before you dress up in this fashion we would ask that you reconsider your actions and act in a culturally sensitive way so as not to give offence.

‘The Guild is not demanding that all such performances stop.

‘We are merely asking for your consideration in making sure that your own individual behaviour is not harming, insulting or mocking another student.’


Truth to tell, I never thought that black face in the entertainment world, and now I am thinking Minstrels, Eddie Cantor, Al Jolson etc., were ever intended to be mocking or infer derision of any sort.  If that’s how blacks see it, they are wrong. Not saying it doesn’t bother them and perhaps they do find black-face offensive. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/22/2012 at 08:03 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsDIVERSITY BSUK •  
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calendar   Saturday - February 18, 2012

police to enter a poetry competition on the theme of ‘gender equality’. more pc bs

There are times, many in fact, when I re-read things I say and think ppl will read me and think I’ve flipped and gone off the deep end.  Well, many times I believe that’s true. How can you not go stark, raving bonkers when you read shit like this article? How can you not think, if only those life forms could stop breathing then things could get better. Not perfect, but at least a return to something approaching normal. Problem is that normal these days is exactly what makes me so stark, raving bonkers. 

Little by little an inch at a time, the left and their enablers gnaw away at what once was western civilization demanding more and more, and getting it.
As one person has commented at the Mail, 1% of the population will tell the rest of us what to believe and how to think. 

Gay rights activists are campaigning to have the words ‘husband’ and ‘wife’ erased from the statute book

as part of a bill to legalise same-sex marriage.
Pressure group Stonewall yesterday released a draft bill, intended as a ‘model’ for the Marriage Bill due later this year, calling for spouses to be known as ‘parties to a marriage’ to avoid confusion for homosexual couples.
The move provoked protests from critics, who say the aim of a new law would be to destroy the traditional understanding of marriage.


But even that story isn’t all.  Take a look at this piece of totally ridiculous and pc bullshit that is taken seriously enough to pay the lady shown here, $126,534.  Why must we pander and suck up to and indulge the left to the extent we do?  By we, I surely do not include BMEWS but you know what I mean.  Seems at every turn everyone is so damned worried about being perceived as anti something or other, that it’s turning many into the very people pc was intended to bury. Along with opinions.
I do not hate anyone simply because they aren’t white or LA Dodger fans.
But I sure as hell hate the left and the crowd of politically correct thinkers who have brought us to this state.  I hate criminals of any stripe or color but I damned well do use the ‘N’ word when and where it applies. I don’t hate homosexuals but they are not fuckin gay they are weird. As in queer.
But hell, now they have their own flag that’s actually been flown from the staff at a police station not so long ago, in an effort to show how all inclusive the force is and in support of their so called liberation.
Do hetros have a flag? Besides the one that represents a country I mean.
Why not?  Hetros need a flag damn it. 

You folks just won’t believe the silly crap (no humor intended) I’ve been reading the last couple of days. And on top of all that, the spin cycle quit on the washer so everything else seems to take on sinister meaning.
We indulge the muzzies, the negros, the queers, the criminal class cos what they do isn’t really their fault, the folks on unearned benefits cos they have kids who shouldn’t be punished for the sins of the parents. True but sterilization would go a long way to reducing the payments for women who get paid by the child. Terrorists avoid being deported because this country must indulge the EU courts who worry more about their rights then any potential victims of terror. I’m just plain sick of all that crap.  And sick of this too.  And who would want to spend any of their off time with something like this?  Another gorilla in the mist.

‘Ere, Sarge, what rhymes with gender sensitivity?

Incredulity at the Yard over politically-correct poetry contest.

Scotland Yard officers asked to enter a poetry competition on the theme of ‘gender equality’


Scotland Yard officers have been asked to enter a poetry competition on the theme of ‘gender equality’.
The prize is a chance to have a ‘coffee break’ with the Met’s head of diversity Denise Milani, who is renowned in Britain’s biggest police force for her touchy-feely initiatives.


Officers are told their poems must focus on ‘recruitment, retention or progression’ at the Yard, creating a ‘gender-sensitive working environment’ or ‘successfully managing gender-diverse teams’.

They must also provide Miss Milani, 54, with insight on the progress made with the ‘Gender Agenda’ from a male or female perspective and suggest a ‘positive vision’ for the Met.

Details of the extraordinary competition were leaked to the Police Inspector blog, prompting a furious reaction from serving officers who accused the Met of wasting taxpayers’ money.

Inspector Gadget, the anonymous author of the blog, wrote: ‘I can categorically say that this is the maddest diversity nonsense we have ever featured.
‘I would like to hear from more female officers to see what they think of this, in between making tea for the lads of course!’

Miss Milani, the daughter of West Indian migrants, originally qualified as a teacher and joined the Met in 1999.  She is believed to be paid more than £80,000 a year, ($126,534) although Scotland Yard refuses to reveal her exact salary.

Now this does get somewhat interesting believe it or don’t. Here. Read this.

In 2008, the Mail revealed how Miss Milani had urged Met staff to ‘celebrate’ the contribution of Roma gipsies to ‘London’s culture and diversity’.

read more

What complete and total outrageous bullshit this ape speaks.  People here who aren’t of the weepy left know exactly what those useless Romas have contributed.  For example.

A mother-of-six who was jailed yesterday for claiming more than £96,000 ($152,000) in benefits while she had an ‘eye-watering’ £173,000 ($273,630) in the bank was following a gipsy tradition, a court heard.

Helen Ryan, 40, an out-of-work traveller from Cardiff, was jailed for 24 weeks after pleading guilty to the fraud.


Click the fat cow for the story.

In the past year, the second highest crime rate among foreigners in London was among the immigrants from Romania.  I was surprised to read that the most were from Poland. Romanians accounted for 3,952 crimes in London.  While not ALL Romanians are Roma Gypsies, way too many are. As a general rule of thumb, if that’s where they’re from the chances are quite good they’re gypos.  Poles accounted for 4,742 crimes last year.
One in four crimes committed in London are done by foreigners.

A bit of background on below. The law says that the church can not deny adoption based on homosexuality.  The church, Catholic, not surprisingly doesn’t agree. It isn’t a matter a church vs state in the sense that the church wants the state to make it illegal. It is for them a matter of deep religious belief and the teachings of the church.  If the church teaches that homosexuality is an abomination, then how they ask can they then turn around and sanction the adoption of a baby to a homosexual couple?  So, they’ve closed their adoption agencies.  Which should make this guardian of diversity and multi culture very happy.

Don’t be such an ass, Trevor



The head of the human rights watchdog, Trevor Phillips, has attacked the Roman Catholic Church for behaving as though they are ‘above the law’ by refusing to place children with homosexual couples.

Thanks to Mr Phillips’s Equality and Human Rights Commission, every Catholic adoption agency in England has now closed, and adoption has fallen to a ten-year low.

Children suffering most are those who are older, more troubled and hardest to place — the very ones the Catholic agencies were so successful at dealing with. Sometimes, Mr Phillips, the law is an ass — and so are you.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/18/2012 at 11:34 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsDIVERSITY BSNanny StateStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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calendar   Monday - February 06, 2012

some vermin, their history and their human (?) rights

The links are provided should anyone want to read the full stories.  You’d think we’d all be tired of this kind of thing by now. Well, yes. It is about the same old same old. But ..... it’s happening right here and it’s on going.  Emotions run the gamut from concern to fright to downright anger. And of course frustration.
Lots and lots of that.  Seem Europa and it’s union and too many Brit lawyers and civil rights types, are very concerned about the rights of the vermin shown here and less about the right to life of the many victims these bastards would enjoy taking away. And in the most horrific manner they could arrange.
Terrorists may be mad dogs, they may want to return to the dark ages, they are filthy, grubby and unwashed looking creeps.
But they most certainly are not stupid. Well not all of them are.  But even the dumbest among them doesn’t require a degree to turn himself into a flaming bomb at the behest of these scum. They know how the west works (and doesn’t work) and how to use the western system against itself. They are smart enough for that. And those who aren’t have smart lawyers clearing a path for them.  And not only that.  How’s this strike you?

Here’s a story regarding a group of MPs (Members of Parliament). 

MPs visit Abu Hamza at Belmarsh to canvass his views for a report. He is referred to respectfully throughout as ‘Mr Abu Hamza’ Here’s a guy who says that it’s perfectly okay to kill anyone for no other reason then they aren’t muslims. 

These animals shouldn’t be given refuge anywhere and when caught should be deleted with extreme prejudice.  And fuck the ass-wipes at the Euro-pee-on court of human rights.  Deleting them might not be a bad idea either.

Here’s some quick snaps for you to look at and think about. You should you know. After all, you are all on their murder list. And these vermin are only three.

SubHuman Vermin #1 for your consideration. 

Abu Hamza

It took years to jail him, but now MPs visit Abu Hamza at Belmarsh to canvass his views

· Al Qaeda is trying to recruit female suicide bombers in Britain, MPs warn
· Internet often to blame for radicalising extremists, report warns
· Select committee blasted by family of 7/7 victim for interviewing hate preacher Abu Hamza


A group of MPs who visited hate-preacher Abu Hamza in his jail cell have published his views in an official report.
Members of the home affairs select committee went to high-security Belmarsh prison to interview the cleric who was jailed after telling his followers that the murder of non-Muslims was justified ‘even if there is no reason’.
Their report on violent radicalism is published today and includes an uncritical summary of Hamza’s comments. He is referred to respectfully throughout as ‘Mr Abu Hamza’.

Families of terror attack victims condemned the committee and its chairman, Labour MP Keith Vaz. Graham Foulkes, whose 22-year-old son David was murdered in the Edgware Road bombing on July 7, 2005, said the visit was ‘deeply inappropriate’.
He said: ‘I think what they are doing by visiting him in jail is legitimising his claims and his beliefs, which are to kill and maim men and women and to destroy our society.
‘The worrying thing is that as a result Hamza will tell his followers, “Look, they are taking me seriously”.’

‘A substantial number of terrorist attacks at home and abroad have happened because of Abu Hamza.

read about abu hamza

Vermin #2

Saajid Badat

‘Shoe-bomb’ terrorist to be released from jail on opening day of the Olympic Games



The notorious terrorist who plotted a shoe-bomb attack on a plane is to be freed from jail just hours before the Olympic Games begin.
Saajid Badat’s release will only add to security fears at the high-profile event in London, which opens on July 27.
The 32-year-old was jailed for 13 years in 2005 after conspiring with two other radical Muslims to blow up a passenger jet - but he will be released after serving just eight years and eight months.
The religious teacher from Gloucester admitted to conspiring with Brit Richard Reid and Belgian terrorist Nizar Trabelsi to blow up flights to the U.S. in 2001.

But now he is due to be freed two-thirds of the way through his sentenceon the official opening day of the biggest sporting event in the world, according to the Daily Mirror.
People are furious this guy is being released on that day but it’s just a quirk of fate,’ said a security source.

He had even booked a ticket for a flight from Amsterdam to the U.S., but he had a last-minute change of heart and never boarded the plane.
His fellow plotter Reid was overpowered by fellow passengers on a flight from Paris to Miami while trying to detonate the bomb in his shoes, and is now serving a life sentence in America.


and our last subhuman of this group.
Vermin #3
Abu Qatada

Osama Bin Laden’s ‘right-hand man in Europe’ Abu Qatada could walk from prison today despite being ‘extraordinarily dangerous’

Lawyers are arguing he should be released on bail after being held for six and a half years



Hate preacher Abu Qatada could today walk free from prison to a life on benefits with his wife and five children.

Qatada, who has cost the UK taxpayer more than £1million in benefits, prison and legal fees, is currently being held at Long Lartin high security prison in Worcestershire after breaching previous bail terms.

British diplomats continue to seek assurances from the Jordanian authorities that evidence gained through torture would not be used against him.

The issue was the key reason why Qatada won an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights last month.

The judges ruled that sending Qatada back to face terror charges without such assurances would deny him his right to a fair trial and be a ‘flagrant denial of justice’.

Mrs May vowed that Qatada, who has been held for six and a half years, would be kept behind bars while she considered all legal options to send him back and the Home Office said he ‘poses a real risk to national security’.

But Qatada’s defence team convinced an immigration judge to release him at a hearing in central London.

Abu Qatada read all of it here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/06/2012 at 10:23 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 23, 2011

Why is it always white Europeans, and only them ….

I’ve been busier then a duck in a flood since yesterday but especially today.
I seem to have come face to face with that old expression, the faster I run the more behind I get.  I guess that happens when we put off things need doing sooner rather then all at once later. 
So …. checking out my Europe News site I came across this, which they grabbed from Gates of Vienna.  It isn’t too long but the parts that really caught my attention were the following.  See link for all of it and some interesting comments.

Islamophile Illusions
by Fjordman

The Nordic countries’ greatest advantage, historically speaking, has been an ethnically homogeneous population. Our greatest competitive advantage is now being destroyed by state-sponsored politics. As an analogy, let’s say you had a big pile of gold and professor Thomas Hylland Eriksen told you to flush half of the gold down the toilet because this was supposed to be economically beneficial.

Hylland Eriksen said in an interview in 2008 that “The most important ‘blank spot’ now consists of deconstructing the majority so thoroughly that it can never be called the majority again”. If he had said that Somalis or Pakistanis should be deconstructed, this would have triggered strong reactions. Why is it always white Europeans, and only them, who are to be deconstructed and have their countries and cultural history taken away from them?

more at the source


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/23/2011 at 10:52 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - November 15, 2011

kills wife and daughters and would do again as honor demands it

Animal shit murders wife and daughters in ‘honor’ killings and has this to say.  One was only 13 but hey, islam demands honor.

‘May the devil...(defecate) on their graves. Is that what a daughter should be? Would (a daughter) be such a whore?’
Mohammad Shafia

What the F*** is wrong with western culture? Why are these lower then bug life forms even allowed to settle in the west?  Most will never conform to western habit and beliefs. Yeah, maybe a few but damn few. 
I really can’t think of anything else to say. Anything I say will only be a string of swear words which won’t add to anything. 
And they want to bring their stone age thinking here and make it a state religion for us all to follow.

‘I would do it again 100 times’: Muslim father ‘murdered his THREE daughters in honour killing for dating wrong boys’

· Mohammad Shafia ‘spoke to second wife about “treacherous” daughters’
· Both standing trial in Ontario with son, charged with first degree murder
· Afghani father felt ‘ashamed’ that eldest daughter had married Pakistani boy


A Muslim father charged with murdering his three daughters in apparent honour killings has said he would do it again - even if they came back to life 100 times.
Mohammad Shafia, 58, cursed his daughters Zainab, 19, Sahar, 17, and Geeti, 13, saying they were ‘treacherous’ as he likened them to prostitutes during a conversation that was recorded by police.

He is on trial for their murders after they were found dead in the family car along with their mother, Rona Amir, 50, in the Rideau Canal, located in the Kingston area of Ontario in Canada in 2009.

Shafia, who moved to Canada from Afghanistan with his family, is polygamous and after his arrest was heard telling his second wife, Tooba Yahya, that his daughters had brought shame on the family.

He said: ‘Even if, God forbid, they hoist us onto the gallows… we accept it wholeheartedly’, a day after his arrest.
The court heard the recordings in which Shafia talks about his daughters and the fact that they were dating while ranting about the family’s honour.
Zainab had married her boyfriend - a Pakistani man - angering Shafia and causing family turmoil.

here for the rest + photos


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/15/2011 at 01:42 PM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSmuslims •  
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calendar   Tuesday - August 30, 2011

some news from those wonderful folk who gave the world pol. corrrectness

They keep saying immigrants and keep referring to multi culture. But in one place someone slips and says what really is the issue. You’ll never guess.

This is the Netherlands, the folks who who gave us pc. This is their future and perhaps all of Europe as well.  It’s their country and their lives and that’s the bottom line.  But someday in the future, all this kind hearted multi-culture we are the world shit will come back on em hard.  And while it’s a long way in the future for us, I fear America will go that way too.  Would it make any difference as long as all were Americans?  Yeah, maybe.  Cos there are too many who unlike immigrants of another generation, want to bring more then the cuisine of their homeland to the west.  Too many hardly speak the language of their host country. They have names they won’t westernize that consist of a series of letters none but the scholars of language can get a tongue around. Too many want the host country to be more like what they left behind, and cater to their idea of culture.  No matter that it’s foreign to the host country.

Some of the young girls, like the few interviewed, will find that the Mr. Nice Guy they married have different ideas about a woman’s place, they didn’t reveal in courtship.  And when the kids come and a problem arises, try and get those kiddies back from a muslim country where daddy has taken them. Far fetched? No. Not a bit of it, according to the horror stories that have been published here over the years.

I’ve said it before. I confess to being a dinosaur.  I’m aware I could be wrong on everything.  If not tho, there’s a bumpy road ahead as more and more Dutch (and other Eurowhites) continue to dilute their race and nationality with a stone age religion and culture.  Of course, there are also other examples but I’ll leave those for another time.  So far at least, they aren’t bringing home any Somalis.

Dutch parents: mixed attitudes to mixed relationships

Nearly half the parents of underage children in the Netherlands are not eager to have a son-in-law or daughter-in-law of immigrant origin, according to a recent poll. RNW asked teenagers whether they share that sentimen

In the poll published by popular pedagogical magazine J/M, 600 native Dutch parents specified how frequent their contacts with children of other ethnic groups are. The mothers and fathers were also asked how they prepared their children for life in a multicultural society.

Most parents said they thought it beneficial for their child to be raised in a multicultural environment. But 43 percent of parents said they would not like it if a daughter brought home a boyfriend from an immigrant community. An immigrant girlfriend for their sons would be hard to accept for 38 percent of parents.



A brief note to clarify something. The girls mentioned above aren’t married. But it’s the all embracing attitude they have been indoctrinated with from childhood, that will bring about the future I write about.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/30/2011 at 10:32 AM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSmuslimsRacism and race relations •  
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calendar   Sunday - August 14, 2011

mustn’t tell the truth, the whole truth, or you’ll be branded with the ‘r’ word

Dare to tell the fuckin truth and make it plain and out in the open and the left descends in their usual pious way.  Even they know truth, they just won’t face it and belong to a club of bed wetting hand wringers.

This caught my eye first thing this morning, it isn’t even 8:30am but I need to get this posted.

Starkey is not only right, he had the platform to say out loud and very publicly, what we all already know.  So naturally the left wingers and professional victims on behalf of other ppl now condemn him.

So here ….  take a look at what he had to say.  First of all, what’s racist about it.
Second …. and even if it was, so fucking what?  Libtards never look at what’s actually written or said. They see and hear nothing and understand nothing beyond the opportunity to hurl the dreaded ‘R’ word at anyone who says what millions already know.  I guess that’s why they’re referred to as lib-tards.

‘White chavs have become black’: David Starkey TV outburst provokes race row as he claims Enoch Powell was right
The Sunday Mail

Historian David Starkey remained defiant last night after provoking a race storm by claiming the recent riots happened because too many young white people had ‘now become black’.

The broadcaster was branded a racist yesterday after an appearance on Friday night’s Newsnight programme, when he blamed the riots on a ‘violent, destructive and nihilistic’ gang culture, which he said was being embraced by many white and black people.
He stunned his fellow guests on the BBC2 show, writer Owen Jones and black author and broadcaster Dreda Say Mitchell, by placing the blame for the riots squarely with a form of black male culture that he said ‘mitigated against education’.

He said: ‘A substantial section of the chavs have become black. The whites have become black. A particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic gangster culture has become the fashion. 
‘Black and white, boy and girl operate in this language together. This language which is wholly false, which is a Jamaican patois, that’s been intruded in England and this is why so many of us have this sense of literally a foreign country.’
Fellow broadcasters, politicians and members of the public criticised his remarks on Twitter and other social networking sites yesterday, and some even predicted that his television career was now ruined.
Piers Morgan, the chat-show host and Mail on Sunday columnist, tweeted: ‘RIP David Starkey’s TV career. And good riddance. Racist idiot.’ Owen Jones, who challenged Dr Starkey during the Newsnight discussion, said: ‘David Starkey has had a career-ending moment, but in the current climate, his comments are very dangerous.’

Oh right. That great intellect with the doughy face, Piers Morgan. He’s a self important ego bloated libtard gas bag.

Here’s a video of Dr. Starkey’s comment, and the exchange after it.  Not only is the good doctor absolutely right, what he says has been true for many years.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/14/2011 at 02:36 AM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSRacism and race relationsUK •  
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calendar   Monday - June 13, 2011

guys kissing is part of diversity? sick. barf.

It has been hours and hours and hours since my only other posting today.
That’s because I was at this machine pulling out what little hair I have left.
It isn’t the computer of course. It’s the other stuff I just HAVE to download to try and fix and make faster etc. And then restore cos there’s an error. Not all my doing either I want everyone to know.  And the experience reminds me of something TimO wrote here at BMEWS not too long ago. And it says all there is to say or can possibly be said forever more.

If they don’t fix it, they wont be able to:
Study why the fix caused problems
Hire more people to manage the fix
Hire people to fix the mistakes fixing the fix
Mount a study to plan for a better fix
Hire people to blame those who did the original fix
Train new people for the new tech that develops since then
Move everyone to a new project they can fix know, like everything else they muck up....

Posted by TimO

Now that I have that out of the way … I will get to my post and then say good night.  It’s late.

Is there any real merit in this bit of nonsense?  I ask you.
Is it just me, or is the world getting even dumber then I originally thought?
Or maybe it’s just getting more PC. Which in my book adds up to the same thing.

The new police ‘diversity’ course that uses videos of Christina Aguilera and Susan Boyle


Police officers are being sent on a bizarre training course that uses video clips of singers Christina Aguilera and Susan Boyle to explain issues surrounding equality and diversity to staff.

Those attending also have to listen to a specially made-up fairy story about witches so they can better understand how to combat prejudice and discrimination.

And in a session about minority groups and harassment, the staff see images of bullying, gay kissing and a transsexual.

The equality sessions have been devised by Tayside Police in the East of Scotland, a region which is mainly rural but includes the small cities of Dundee and Perth.

The day-long course includes a session on ‘communication, stereotyping, prejudice and assumptions’ which involves staff watching a two-minute clip of Susan Boyle making her debut on Britain’s Got Talent in 2009.

Participants are reminded that judges on the ITV show initially wrote off Boyle’s chances because of her appearance.
They are then advised not to make lasting judgments about people based on their first impressions.

The same session also requires staff to listen to a four-minute fairy story called The Witches Of Glum, which is about the rivalry between the elderly King of Glum and a disfigured witch called Groga.

Last night, Conservative MP Philip Davies said: ‘The courses sound drivel – a combination of the blindingly obvious with the utterly ridiculous.
We have a situation where forces claim they have no money for proper policing but at the same time they spend thousands
on equality and diversity projects.’

Tayside Police said the course was mainly for civilian staff and only a handful of officers had attended.


I’d throw up I think if I had to sit and watch a couple of queers kissing. GAK! The thought alone makes my gut churn. That’s disgusting.

Good evening all ...
peiper out.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/13/2011 at 03:32 PM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Sunday - April 17, 2011

please, lets have no displays of the cross in a business vehicle . might offend.

This happens a lot.  I have something I want to post and share, all set and ready but something else catches my eye.

Like this bit of insanity.  Words do fail at moments like this. But I doubt they’ll fail some of you.
How did western civilization ever get this far without the politically correct lunatics dictating how we should think and act.
Especially on the subject of the display of a cross.

Have you ever noticed that even those who aren’t red, don’t make any fuss about the odd display here and there of a hammer and sickle?
Especially at lefty protests over almost anything.
But don’t dare have a cross on the dashboard because that is offensive behavior and it might be seen as intimidating to others not of that faith.

What a load of BS. What a very sick and twisted world the pc crowd has created.  Why isn’t anybody shooting those jerks?

Take a look at this.  Came across my screen a half hour ago. And btw ... PLEASE see the link below cos you really should read every last word of this article, and see the photos as well.  This clearly shows (as if you need more evidence) where America might also be headed when the pc idiots gain everything they want.  And that is not a dumb statement nor is it beyond the possible if allowed to continue unchecked. As it apparently is here. And yeah, I am pissed off at the utter stupidity and lunacy of this act.  See the link.

Persecuted for his cross: Electrician told he faces the sack for Christian symbol on his van dashboard


Last updated at 10:31 AM on 17th April 2011

An electrician faces the sack for displaying a small palm cross on the dashboard of his company van.

Former soldier Colin Atkinson has been summoned to a disciplinary hearing by the giant housing association where he has been employed for 15 years because he refuses to remove the symbol.

Mr Atkinson, a regular worshipper at church, said: ‘The treatment of Christians in this country is becoming diabolical...but I will stand up for my faith.’

Throughout his time at work, he has had an 8in-long cross made from woven palm leaves attached to the dashboard shelf below his windscreen without receiving a single complaint.

But his bosses at publicly funded Wakefield and District Housing (WDH) in West Yorkshire – the fifth-biggest housing organisation in England – have demanded he remove the cross on the grounds it may offend people or suggest the organisation is Christian. Mr Atkinson’s union representative said he faces a full disciplinary hearing next month for gross misconduct, which could result in dismissal.

The association strongly promotes ‘inclusive’ policies and allows employees to wear religious symbols at work.

It has provided stalls at gay pride events, held ‘diversity days’ for travellers, and hosted a gender reassignment event entitled A World That Includes Transpeople.

(WOW. So now there’s a new category called, “Transpeople?” A question. Why is all the above funded with public money? It is ya know. If those people need all those things, they should get their own financing or pay out of their own pockets. Oh no. That’d never do when so much public money is on offer. And why should it be the association’s responsibility to host those things anyway? )

Mr Atkinson, who has an unblemished work record, said he had not been shown similar respect.

‘The past few months have been unbelievable, a nightmare,’ he said.

‘I have worked in the coal mines and served in the Army in Northern Ireland and I have never suffered such stress. The treatment of Christians in this country is becoming diabolical. It is political correctness taken to the extreme.’

But he added: ‘I have never been so full of resolve. I am determined to stand up for my rights. If they sack me, so be it. But I am standing up for my faith.’

Mr Atkinson’s battle follows a series of similar cases involving Christians who claim their freedoms have been curbed following the introduction of controversial equality laws.

Campaigners accused the housing association of ‘remarkable intolerance’ at a time when millions of Christians will be celebrating Palm Sunday today, a week before Easter Sunday. Palms are traditionally distributed during services to mark Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem.

Despite the company’s treatment of Mr Atkinson, the boss of the depot where he works in Castleford has been allowed to adorn his office with a poster of the Argentinian revolutionary Che Guevara.

Denis Doody, who is WDH’s environmental manager, also has a whiteboard on which are written several quotations by the Marxist guerrilla leader, who was a key figure in the Cuban revolution in the Fifties.

Colleagues said staff and even members of the public who were visiting the depot would be able to see the poster and whiteboard through his office window.

Mr Atkinson began work as an electrician in the mines before serving as an Army radio technician for seven years. His military career included a stint at the notorious, riot-torn Long Kesh internment camp in Northern Ireland in 1974.

He was employed as a £25,000-a-year electrician by Wakefield Council in 1996, but its housing department was transferred into the association’s ownership six years ago.

His ordeal began last year when managers at WDH, which has 31,000 properties, told Mr Atkinson to remove the cross from the van after years of ignoring it.

He demanded to know why. He said his cross was as discreet and inoffensive as other forms of religious expression and accused his bosses of badgering him.

The company said, however, that he had refused a ‘reasonable’ request to remove the symbol from an official vehicle that could be seen by members of the public.

The 64-year-old grandfather became a committed Christian more than 20 years ago and was a regular Church of England worshipper for many years.

Click my mascot, Blind Anger, for the full article and photos.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/17/2011 at 04:55 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - April 10, 2011

cops,queers,diversity and a crumbling culture

Trust me, the hard copy looks worse.

What the hell has gotten into what was a saner world?  And please lets not blame all of this crap on the fags. Not all of them are over the top and dumb and self seeking. Nope.  It’s the otherwise very straight enablers among both left and even right, who are more concerned about political correctness.
It’s the people who while they may be straight enough, just threw in the towel and found it easier to accept this kind of thing then fight it.
The schools don’t help either of course, because there’s a generation now being schooled to accept diversity and the inclusion of all things and to accept homosexuality as just another normal activity.  One not to be challenged or criticized.
This is not a police dept.  It’s fairyland.

I assume the same is true stateside in some places.

Army medals out, Gay Pride badges in, and theft blamed on badgers to cut crime rates: How political correctness is crippling my police force

Writing anonymously, for very obvious reasons, a police inspector reveals to the Mail how the force he loves is being crippled by political correctness and the (often dishonest) pursuit of government targets

Diversity is sacrosanct: One police officer improves community relations at a Gay Pride march

The suspect stared at me with hooded eyes, devoid of any emotion or conscience. His emaciated figure was so wrecked by heroin abuse that he could barely raise his arms.

‘Hello, inspector, it’s me again,’ he said, his voice dripping with disdain.

He had every reason to sound cynical, even contemptuous. He was a one-man crimewave, a prolific offender whose miserable life was dominated by violence, drugs and thieving, yet in all his years of delinquency he had never been properly punished by our laughably misnamed justice system.

When he was brought into the station last week, on a charge of stealing from a 94-year-old woman, I had a look at his record. It was a lengthy indictment of the incredible leniency of our courts.

Aged only 23, he had been arrested 80 times and convicted of an incredible 140 offences.

Among his crimes were assault, aggravated burglary, blackmail, theft and possession of Class A and Class B drugs.

His behaviour has long been out of control, showing respect for neither the law nor the rights of others. But despite his lengthy catalogue of offending, he has spent just 12 weeks in prison.

The only lesson he has ever learned is that he has nothing to fear from the courts. No doubt he will receive another ineffectual slap on the wrist the next time he is up before a judge.

As a long-serving police inspector, I despair of the reluctance of the state to deal vigorously with serious criminals such as this thuggish drug addict. This soft, destructive stance not only weakens public faith in the fight against crime, but also undermines the morale of the police.

What drags down our effectiveness, however, is not just the useless courts system that so often undoes all the effort we put into building cases, but also the highly politicised, target-driven, dogma-fixated culture of the police hierarchy.

Instead of allowing us to focus on the real task of tackling criminality, police chiefs and politicians have bogged us down in bureaucracy, much of it driven by fashionable obsessions with multiculturalism and meaningless performance statistics.

Official determination to manipulate crime figures has reached new heights of idiocy. Data is no longer a reflection of performance, but an exercise in deceit of the public.

In this brave new world of propaganda — conjured up by a string of directives — a vast array of crimes are reclassified by ‘crime managers’ to lessen their seriousness.

Badger damage: Potting shed break-ins are blamed on the animals to keep crime figures down

So burglaries of potting sheds become ‘badger damage’, broken windows are blamed on ‘frost’ and stolen handbags are listed as ‘lost or misplaced’.

Even vandalism to vehicles can be ascribed to ‘stones thrown up by speeding cars’.

The warped priorities of this culture are also reflected in the ridiculous amount of time we have to devote to the creed of diversity.

At times it seems as if the modern police force is seen by senior managers as a vehicle for social engineering rather than deterring crime.

My internal office phone directory lists no fewer than 32 officers with ‘diversity’ in their job title, all of them working nine-to-five in desk-bound jobs, while we slog it out on the front line. I was half-hoping that, given their irrelevance to the battle against crime, they might be made redundant in the public-sector cuts, but that was far too optimistic.

Diversity is sacrosanct, its commissars are protected and its influence is all dominant.

So in our training, for instance, just one day a year is devoted to practical instruction in officer safety, dealing with procedures such as correct use of handcuffs, Tasers and batons, or how to put a violent suspect in a van or cell.

Yet the effort devoted to diversity is far greater. We have to carry out two days of diversity training a year at headquarters, another day at our divisions, go through an eight-hour ‘e-learning’ package on our computers and, in our annual performance appraisal forms, show that we have accomplished three separate objectives ‘to raise diversity awareness’.

In addition, during weekly individual meetings with our supervisor, we have to explain what we have done to promote cultural diversity.

The minutiae of Hindu festivals, details of Black History month and the rituals of gypsy culture are all drummed into us. The whole pantomime is idiotic, especially in my neighbourhood where the ethnic minority is tiny.

Once, as one of my personal ‘diversity objectives’, I stated I had listened to some Indian sitar music in a Manchester park.

Such absurdities can be found everywhere in the police. So we were told recently that former servicemen like me were no longer allowed routinely to wear medal ribbons on our uniforms, as had previously been customary, because such insignia might be deemed offensive to Muslims and Irish people. However, we have been encouraged to wear Gay Pride badges.

Similarly, Welsh and Scottish police forces are allowed to wear their national badges on their uniforms, but the St George’s flag appears to have been banned by English forces, as if our national identity is an embarrassment.

The neurosis about diversity is also reflected in the requirement to cater for every type of inmate, so our custody suites have a menu of no less than 16 choices, include low-carb, vegetarian, fat-free, kosher and halal.

The ideology extends to the front line. When visiting a Muslim household, we are instructed to remove our shoes, but I have refused to obey that edict because I believe it is disrespectful to my position as British police officer.

Political correctness has destroyed the moral self-confidence of senior managers

On one occasion, I had to call on a Muslim family and the daughter refused to let me in until I had taken off my boots.

I simply told her that, while on duty, I was not prepared to remove any part of my equipment, footwear included. So she went off to her father to report my non-compliance, only to find he did not object at all to me keeping my boots on.

When I reported this back to the Diversity Unit, the officer implied that I must have intimidated the father, which was nonsense.

This diversity officer was indulging in just the kind of stereotyping he condemns in others, clinging to the belief that every Muslim adheres devotedly to religious custom.

On another occasion, I was given a reprimand because I told a family that their son was a drug dealer. The mother had made a complaint that we were harassing him.

When I turned up at her home, which appeared to be well-equipped with the proceeds of his drug crimes, I told her frankly: ‘We keep arresting him because he’s a dealer.’

Such honesty prompted another complaint from her, and I was told I should have shown more ‘tolerance and politeness’ in my language towards the family.

Eco-friendly: The new four-wheel-drive cars for firearms officers were discovered to be simply not big enough

New four-wheel-drive estate cars for firearms officers, which were discovered to be simply not big enough for four armed officers with all their equipment.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/10/2011 at 05:25 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - March 29, 2011

wanted: police interns, whites need not apply

In spite of a promise BEFORE the election last May to drop some of this sort of crap introduced by the left wing Labour govt., it’s clear that some laws will remain.
That might not all be the fault of the consv. side of the present govt., but it doesn’t look like they fought it much.

Middle-class youngsters barred from applying for internships at Whitehall and in the police… because they are white


White middle-class students have been banned from applying for internships with Britain’s biggest police force and in Whitehall.

The temporary jobs, which offer thousands of pounds for work in the summer, are billed as the internships ‘that could change your life’.

They provide students with invaluable work experience at a time of soaring graduate unemployment.

But critics yesterday told of their anger at the decision by the Civil Service and the Metropolitan Police to exclude all but certain ethnic minorities from applying.

They say the schemes cause resentment among staff and are discriminating against white people ‘via the back door’.

The Metropolitan Police, which employs more than 50,000 people, publicly offers only one work experience programme. The 12-week Diversity Internship will pay six interns more than £3,000 to work in a range of departments. While there is no guarantee of a post at the end, it gives students a head start in the battle for police jobs.

But the application form says only students from specific ethnic groups – including black African, black Asian or Chinese – can apply. Applicants are also quizzed about religious beliefs and sexuality.

The only white candidates eligible to apply for the Fast Stream Summer Diversity Internship are those whose families are from ‘under-represented socio-economic backgrounds’.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/29/2011 at 01:49 PM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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teens to train as “equality” activists and votes for kids.

Drew posted on the EEOC and had a some comments that could well apply here.  Although I must say, the present govt. promises to make changes and I really think they might well do that. I don’t see how they could avoid it as it’s not just public awareness which is high, but the papers and the public making some loud noises on the subject.  In other words, there are to be some serious cuts due to the new budget, and many who get benefits now will find them reduced soon.
Also, these damn quangos will, the people are told, be abolished or more tightly controlled.  Yeah well ... time will tell but people do hope.
Meanwhile, if what Drew wrote about is conducive to ulcers, take a look at this.

Home Secretary vows to tame equality body branded a £60m flop

By Steve Doughty

The £60million-a-year state equality watchdog is a costly failure whose spending and powers must be drastically cut back, ministers declared yesterday.
A savagely critical report said the Equality and Human Rights Commission has ‘struggled’ to do its job, while providing low quality work and poor value for money.

It has given away £10million a year in grants to equality groups without knowing where much of the money has gone.
The Commission has also run an advice helpline that helped just 73 people in a year – at a cost of £5,000 each.

Documents released yesterday spelled out the reason – ministers fear that EHRC chief Trevor Phillips will fight cutbacks in the courts at a cost to taxpayers of £70,000 for each legal challenge if they do not restrict the Commission’s powers with a new law.
The EHRC has been at the centre of constant controversy since it began operations in 2007.
Senior officials and commissioners have walked out in squabbles between different minority groups and rows over the way it is run.

Tough: Theresa May said the commission could face financial penalties if it failed to spend taxpayers’ money wisely
Whitehall has refused to endorse its accounts for three consecutive years, and Mr Phillips’ management methods have been criticised.


These are some of the ways the Equality and Human Rights Commission spent money, funding ‘strategic grants’ and ‘promoting diversity’.

· Grant to the British Institute of Human Rights, a pressure group which has urged the use of human rights rules to fight state spending cuts: £258,319.

· Grant to Children’s Rights Alliance for England, a body pressing for votes for children, compulsory sex education and a ban on smacking: £200,000.

· Young Brits at Art. Awards for artists who illustrated equality concerns: cost unknown.

· Grant to Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange. Organisation for gypsies and travellers ‘who live in Leeds: £150,000.

· Our Space. Camp in the Lake District for a hundred 14 and 15-year-olds, in which teenagers were trained to be equality activists: cost unknown.

· Grant to Runnymede Trust. A race equality pressure group, which was led by Trevor Phillips from 1993 to 1998: £210,000.

· Mediation advice helpline. It gave advice to 73 people at a cost of £5,000 each. A similar state-run operation, the National Mediation Helpline, has a price guide that sets the maximum cost of a single case at £850.


If this kind of crap isn’t done away with, Brits who haven’t yet kissed their country goodbye may well consider doing so. And things btw are getting much worse as a senior judge has determined that ... Euro court rulings ARE the law here as well.  Can anyone still spell, s o v e r i g n t y?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 03/29/2011 at 11:16 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

Oh, and here's some kind of visitor flag counter thingy. Hey, all the cool blogs have one, so I should too. The Visitors Online thingy up at the top doesn't count anything, but it looks neat. It had better, since I paid actual money for it.
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